Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How To Get the Girl:

How To Get the Girl from Kaitlyn Chandler on Vimeo.

Dealer's Choice Outline:

Synopsis: Zombie outbreak occurs in theatrical form, choreographed dancing ensues. Think of An American in Paris with a flesh-eating twist. Almost but not quite Michael Jackson's Thriller. It is a comedic- zombie film.


Woman is walking through the park while eating an icy desert
Woman trips on dead body and drops icy desert
Woman looks around
People are playing around in the park
Men are playing with frizbees
A young girl is jumping rope
People are eating a picnic
Jogger is running and zombies is following (careful & comical timing)
Woman screams hysterically
Woman runs across field chased by zombies and other survivors running in all directions.
Only one zombie remains chasing woman. Another woman is running in the same direction they try to escape but cannot.
Women push zombie in lake. Zombie drowns.
Women do a choreographed dance sequence to music while running to building.
Woman trips on step, other woman catches her and romantic sparks fly momentarily.
Women are locked out of building and jump cut is placed with them on top of stairs to them stepping down on 2nd floor balcony
Dance breakdown (climax)
Women reawaken after solo dance sequences to zombies attempting to devour them back in the front of the building.
Women are saved by survivor opening door to building and they hide within.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


  Guy sees girl
1.     guy wants girl
2.     guy writes down a list of ways to get girl
3.     pumps himself up in the bathroom

B.     Guy tries to get girl
1.     guy uses his list to get the girl
2.     tries saying hi
a.     gets shut down by person entering party hugging girl
b.     then sees guy with facial hair has lots of women and tries mustache

3.     tries wearing a fake mustache
a.     girl mistakes mustache for smudge on his lip
b.     boy then runs to the bathroom to wash it off

4.     tries dancing
a.     terrible dancing and accidentally hits boy and gets into fight

5.     tries fighting
a.     after getting into this fight with other boy at the party he then bumps into the boy several times after and continuously gets beat up

6.     tries giving her flowers from her own vase
a.     girl seems confused by the flowers
b.     she puts the flowers back into her vase

7.     finally succeeds when making origami out of his list
a.     she sees this and drags him into her room

C.     Guy finally succeeds at getting girl

Shot List:
Props & Makeup List:

Female makeup  
Fight makeup  
solo cups
Mustache eye liner 
Bottle o' Volka
Bucket for keys

Layout of Location:



Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Self Critique:

Place-less Senses

The main idea I started with was that we only consume certain beverages at certain times and places. That transformed into something that had to do with working, and motivation, which then turned into a film about perception and our interpretation of perception and space.

Source of the idea was the free writing we did. It just came. It’s important to me because personally I like beverages, almost more than food itself. The real development of the idea is important to me because I like films that challenge our perception and put us through a psychological paradox and an inner war. Films that challenge and treat the mind.

The key emotion or experience for the audience should be confusion, with a tad bit of humor and being able to identify with the subject even though she could possibly be crazy.

Synopsis for both (original and rework) : Woman makes beverage, beverage is born, crazy things begin to happen to her such as; placement of beverages, voices, etc. Woman is questionably insane at the end.

Theme after finishing it: Magic Coffee.

Strengths: Good choreographing of talent during 1 scene.
       Good following the woman throughout running sense.
       Good use of web cam
       Not bad casting
Weaknesses: Bad cuts and edits - Everywhere!
       Not clear enough that the coffee was being moved at first!
       It’s about magic coffee.
       Camera movement changed to radically
       Not trippy enough

Journal Notes:
    I discovered when reworking the film that some of my problems still exist, but hopefully with more knowledge and practice of using this medium I’ll overcome them. Magic Coffee is not what I was aiming for, hopefully, for the rework people will think it’s really about something else. I realize that getting the right takes the right way is real important when you’re in the thick of things. When your shooting and when your thinking up the storyboard, that’s what’s really important. Even if you have to change clothes, even if you have to stand over a gas stove, etc,. Because it’s really gratifying to see it afterward anyway.  That’s really what we’re going for, a sense of how great the work was, how different, a sense of wonder.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

 Etymology of "sense" and "place"

c.1400, "faculty of perception," also "meaning or interpretation" (esp. of Holy Scripture), from O.Fr. sens,  from L. sensus  "perception, feeling, undertaking, meaning," from sentire  "perceive, feel, know," prob. a fig. use of a lit. meaning "to find one's way," from PIE base *sent-  "to go" (cf. O.H.G. sinnan  "to go, travel, strive after, have in mind, perceive," Ger. Sinn  "sense, mind," O.E. sið  "way, journey," O.Ir. set,  Welsh hynt  "way"). Application to any one of the external  or outward senses  (touch, sight, hearing, etc.) first recorded 1526. 


O.E. "open space in a city, market place, square," from O.Fr. place , from M.L. placea  "place, spot," from L. platea  "courtyard, open space, broad street," from Gk. plateia (hodos)  "broad (way)," fem. of platys  "broad," from PIE *plat-  "to spread" (cf. Skt. prathati  "spreads out;" Hitt. palhi  "broad;" Lith. platus  "broad;" Ger. Fladen  "flat cake;" O.Ir. lethan  "broad"); extended variant form of base *pele-  (see plane (1)). Replaced O.E. stow  and stede . Wide application in English, covering meanings that in French require three words: place, lieu,  and endroit . Cognate It. piazza  and Sp. plaza  retain more of the etymological sense. Broad sense of "material space, dimension of defined or indefinite extent" is frommid-13c. Sense of "position on some social scale" is from early 14c. Meaning "group of houses in a town" is from 1580s. Place-kick  is from 1845, originally in rugby. Placement  is first attested 1844. All over the place  "in disorder" is attested from 1923.
The fragments in bold are the ones that are most interesting to me. 

What is a sense of place?
A sense of place is a mental and/or physical occurrence.
What does it mean to be a person in a place? 
To be a person in a place is to have a mental perception of what is around us in the physical world and where said person may fit into it. 

How do people shape places, and how are they shaped by them? 
People shape places just by being within them, via the dust we contribute, the oxygen we consume and the carbon dioxide we expel. 
Can places be in our minds as well as etched in the physical landscape?
Definitely, this reminds me of a saying in Paradise Lost that goes something like "The mind can make a heaven of hell and a hell of heaven." Our mind is not just a conduit we use to interact with the outside world, it can suffice as a world standalone.


Sense of place will be portrayed in my film in a way that questions our memory and perception. It will do this thematically by employing the idea of paranoia, and forgetfulness. Can we always trust our senses? Can those senses trick our instincts? Just because we can  perceive something as reality does that make it so? My film is interpreting the hypothetical situation that it does not, and that what our sense of place sees as reality is actually faulty. Here is a rundown of the film:

Woman emerges into kitchen.
Woman walks to pantry and get coffee (Close-up of coffee inside canteen ( or slightly above))
A shot of the window (it appears to be morning)
A cup of coffee is set on the table
Woman takes coffee
Woman sips coffee and looks out window
Woman sets coffee down and walks over to sink
Woman starts doing dishes. Woman sips coffee.
Woman realizes the coffee has somehow changed places from the left counter to next to the sink.
Woman suddenly hears people talking. Woman runs around the house looking for someone. There is no one. Woman returns to kitchen
Women emerge into kitchen from all entrances and they all walk out of frame through said entrances. Leaving woman in kitchen.
Woman is shocked. Woman puts face over hand. Woman removes hand from face.
Steaming hot coffee is waiting on the counter
Woman takes coffee and pours it all on the floor.
Woman runs to the bathroom.
Woman sees coffee waiting for her in bathroom.


Digital Cinema - Sense of Place from Kaitlyn Chandler on Vimeo.