Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How To Get the Girl Edit II from Kaitlyn Chandler on Vimeo.

Feedback to be considered:

-Making the plot more condensed
-Having some survivors get transformed into zombies
-Specify the setting and time 
-Heroine gets eaten at the end

Here are some more details about the film:
It's going to be during dusk and night. I am considering both indoor and outdoor. (Not one or the other, both within the same movie) I will be condensing the movie slightly the plot will now be as follows:

Woman is walking through the park while eating an icy desert
Woman steps on dead body and drops icy desert
Woman shreeks and looks around frantically
Men are playing ultimate frizbee
A boy is walking his dog.
People are eating a picnic
Jogger is running and zombie is following (careful & comical timing)
Woman screams hysterically
Woman is joined by another woman survivor running towards building.
Woman trips on step, other woman catches her and romantic sparks fly momentarily.
Women are locked out of building and jump cut is placed with them on top of stairs to them stepping down on 2nd floor balcony
Dance breakdown (climax)
Women reawaken after solo dance sequences to zombies attempting to devour them back in the front of the building.
Women are saved by survivor opening door to building. Women lock man out of building, he is devoured.

Here's some of "An American in Paris" with commentary by the creators and actors:

Me and Krickett have decided to collaborate and will be fusing our ideas and stories.

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