Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pitch Again & Assignment Write-Up

This film is about a female gigolo.(She has relations with women for money) Another (male) Gigolo who does not care about love, falls in love with a woman who is actually a female gigolo(the main character), however she does not love him.

Coincidentally they get called by the same woman one night and when they encounter each other a fight breaks out and he tries making her fall in love with him with force. He does not succeed in the end at capturing her heart, but instead is united with his real true love, the woman who called the female gigolo in the first place. The message of this film is that you can't make someone love, and simultaneously that love conquers all.


Female Gigolo - Stoic, sexy, mysterious. Flirts but does not want to start a relationship with Male Gigolo.

Male Gigolo - Cocky, afraid of commitment, explosive. Anger management issues. Is determined to snag the Female Gigolo.

Woman Caller - Woman sees the situation between the leads and attempts to intervene.

Most of the structure of this film will be a long fantastical chase sequence. This part of the film will be more action than romance. The dialogue here will be sparse but meaningful.

Assignment Write-Up

This last assignment (the spies) was quite stressful time wise. I'm sure if we had more time it would have been even more epic but I don't feel bad about showing the work we have done. It was really hard to get the footage we did get, it's troubling to see everyone just shrug at it sometimes. It was fun as well, thinking back on it, but money-wise and time-wise this was an expensive film even though we shot and edited in just one week. I don't think I will be doing that again either, shooting and editing should be more spaced out. I also thought at times just like Jill did, and felt like we were just a bunch of kids that got a hold of a camera and started dancing or something- however, I don't know if that's a bad thing. We did learn a lot, afterall.


  1. I like this idea a lot! You should make your scenes extremely sexual and explicit since it is about gigolo. This aspect would definitely draw people in more, sex sells.

  2. Interesting idea, my only concern is can the story be told in under 5 minutes without it feeling rushed?

  3. I agree with Nick. Good idea, but it does seem like it'll take a lot longer than two or three minutes to show all of this

  4. This seems like an interesting idea... as discussed in class you may want to research the behavior of people who sell sexual favors for money like hookers and the like. I recommend watching a film called "The Great Happiness Space." It's actually a documentary about a Japanese male host club, but their attitudes are really interesting... and their clients are largely in the area you're going toward (mainly female hookers). It's a different culture and the take is probably a little different, but it could be a good place to refine the imaginative part of your idea.

  5. This is quite a bit. I like the love triangle but I think you should focus more on their relationships and less on the prostitute thing.
    I think breaking this down and simplifying it would help you to come out with a polished end product.
